
A social platform for sneakerheads and shoe collectors.


I created an app that allows the shoe-collecting community to buy, trade, and sell shoes and connect with like-minded individuals.

Roles & Responsibilities

User Research and Design of app; wireframe and prototyping.


Figma, Google Suite, Pen & Paper


I wanted to create a platform where people could showcase their sneakers in a gallery fashion and also be able to buy/sell/trade as well.


I created an app with buy/sell/trade messaging feature, as well as a gallery feature for shoe display.



User Survey

User Testing


User Persona

S.W.O.T. Analysis

User Story


User Flow



Digital Prototype


I started the project by conducting a user survey to see if people were interested in this kind of app. These are some of the responses.


After the discover phase, I created a User Persona in order to envision the target audience for this project…meet Bruce.

I created a S.W.O.T. analysis to assess a competitor already in the shoe-selling market, and a user story to empathize with users to understand the end goal


After the define stage, I created a User flow in the ideate phase to establish some Information Architecture for the available paths users could take


I started the create phase with the logo, color styles, and typography of the app.

I started on the wireframes with a couple of screens, and then opened it up to more screens, including an onboarding phase, an uploading phase, and a checkout phase.

Hi-Fi Clickable Prototype

In Conclusion, this was a great project for me to put my new found knowledge into practice. After reading a couple books on design thinking I really levelled up in terms of hierarchy and understanding structure. I even learned how to use the components feature in figma in order to create a carousel of various shoes in the home feed. I’m eager to learn more and put more design principles into practice throughout my career!!